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Armstead Selected as Republican House Speaker

CHARLESTON –History was made today in the State Capitol when Kanawha County Delegate Tim Armstead was sworn in as the first Republican Speaker in the House of Delegates, since the capitol building’s dedication in 1932.

“I am very humbled to be a part of this historic moment as the first Republican Speaker to serve in this building.”

In the very first session of the 82nd Legislature, Armstead was selected as Speaker by a body of his peers. Starting off the session, the members of the House of Delegates compromised of 64 Republicans and 36 Democrats collectively took the oath of office. Delegates also elected Steve Harrison as Clerk, Marshall Clay as Sergeant-At-Arms, and Frank Larese as Doorkeeper.

“While we all celebrate the significance of this day, it’s important to also recognize, we have big challenges, ahead, and these challenges call for bold solutions.”

“We will take bold steps to reform our government and legal system, revitalize jobs and our economic climate, and renew our vision for a better West Virginia, for our children and for our grandchildren.”

Armstead called into action his plan to encourage openness, discussion and debate.

“I want to bring Members of both parties to the table to move our state forward.” Armstead added, “I’ve had the honor of working with some of the best men and women that could ever lead this state, both as Minority Leader, and now as Speaker. With members both familiar and new, I’ve never seen this level of excitement and talent, and that is encouragement to me every day.”

Rounding out Speaker Armstead’s leadership team are Delegates Daryl Cowles, R-Morgan, as Majority Leader, Carol Miller, R-Cabell as Assistant Majority Leader, John D. O’Neal IV, R-Raleigh, as Majority Whip, and Bill Anderson, R-Wood, as the Speaker Pro Tempore.

“I love this state. I am very optimistic about where we can be, and how we can get there. There are many opportunities, and there are many good people here who want a better future for our state. I am confident we will work together to fulfill this vision.”

Contact: Speaker Tim Armstead at (304) 340-3210