Delegate Sean Hornbuckle
Minority Leader
Contact Information
Email: sean.hornbuckle
Capitol Phone: 304-340-3395
Capitol Office:
Room 258M, Building 1
State Capitol Complex
Charleston, WV 25305
Sean Hornbuckle Biography
- Date of Birth: September 2nd, 1985
- Education: Huntington High School; B.A., Sports Management and Marketing, Marshall University; M.B.A, Marshall University
- Public Service: City of Huntington Planning Commission; Cabell County Democratic Women’s Club; Associate Member, Cabell County Young Dems
- Occupation: Financial Advisor with Edward Jones
- Children: Tristan
- Parents: the late Moses and Pat Hornbuckle
- Religion: Christian
- Town of Birth: Huntington, WV
- Affiliations: YMCA Youth Basketball and Soccer Coach
(D) Cabell County
District: 25 (Cabell County)