Senate Calendar and Committee Schedule for Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Wednesday, February 14, 2024 – 36th Day of Session
The Senate will convene at 11 a.m.
- Com. Sub. for SCR 4: US Army 2LT Eston Kuhn Memorial Bridge
- SCR 21: US Army MSG James E. Jackson Jr. Memorial Road
- Com. Sub. for SCR 22: USMC Major Cornelius Burdette Memorial Road
- SCR 23: US Navy LT Lewis Joseph D’Antoni Memorial Road
- SCR 25: US Army SGT Wyatt K. Hinton Memorial Bridge
- Com. Sub. for SCR 26: US Army Private Clarence William “Buck” Holliday Memorial Road
- SR 36: Recognizing February 14, 2024, as Child Care Day
- SR 37: Designating February 14, 2024, as National Organ Donor Day
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 352: Modifying Unborn Child Protection Act
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 370: Updating Public Employees Grievance Board procedure that certain decisions be appealed to Intermediate Court of Appeals
- Eng. SB 530: Removing requirement for counties to draft and adopt zoning ordinances
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 544: Raising threshold for bid requirement of municipal public works projects
- Eng. SB 551: Modifying requirements related to levy of service fees
- Eng. SB 620: Establishing WV Mothers and Babies Pregnancy Support Program
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 628: Declaring certain claims as moral obligations of the state
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 629: Requiring builders to follow State Building Code when local inspection and enforcement not provided
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 632: Relating to Dangerousness Assessment Advisory Board multi-disciplinary study group
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 716: Relating to child support
- Eng. HB 4976: Providing the contact information of the Inspector General on the agencies and boards websites of the executive departments
- Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 5157: Relating to contingent increase of tax rate on certain eligible acute care hospitals
- Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 321: Limiting municipalities’ authority to restrict purchase and storage of weapons and ammunition
- Com. Sub. for SB 608: Relating to Emergency Medical Services Retirement System
- SB 609: Deputy Sheriff Retirement System Act
- SB 613: WV Residential Mortgage Lender, Broker and Servicer Act
- Com. Sub. for SB 622: Changing time period of voting inactivity for removal from voter registration
- Com. Sub. for SB 623: Requiring DMV to provide images of certain individuals to Secretary of State for voter identification purposes
- Com. Sub. for SB 624: Cancelling voter registration records for individuals no longer WV residents
- Eng. HB 5019: Relating to surrender and return of license not required for disqualifying or downgrading a driver’s license
- Com. Sub. for SB 375: Health Care Sharing Ministries Freedom to Share Act
Scheduled Committee Meetings
10 a.m.: Agriculture and Natural Resources (208W)
- SB 752: Authorizing Department of Agriculture to complete certain land transfers
1 p.m.: School Choice (208W)
- SB 761: Providing greater access to unused buildings for public charter schools
1 p.m.: Economic Development (451M)
- SB 688: Authorizing director of Division of Forestry to contract and manage forest land
- SB 690: Establishing WV Agritourism Commission
2 p.m.: Outdoor Recreation (208W)
- Equestrian Presentations
- Bryan Tustin, Owner, Sugar Lane Farms
- Tom Arnold, Retired Horse Enthusiast
- Tinia Creamer, Heart of Phoenix Horse Rescue
2 p.m.: Pensions (451M)
- SB 670: Reallocating portion of fire insurance and casualty premium tax to Municipal Pensions Security Fund in certain circumstances
3 p.m.: Judiciary (208W)
- Com. Sub. for SB 637: Prohibiting public disclosure of personal information on internet
- Com. Sub. for SB 649: Clarifying per diem compensation for certain judges recalled to service
- Com. Sub. for SB 740: Prohibiting digital manipulation of sexually explicit content to include minors
- Com. Sub. for SB 741: Prohibiting creation, production, distribution or possession of artificially generated child pornography
- HJR 21: Amending the Constitution to prohibit persons not United States citizens from voting in any election held within this state
3 p.m.: Finance (451M)
- SB 574: Supplemental appropriation to DOT, Division of Highways
- SB 696: Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Homeland Security, Division of Emergency Management
- SB 703: Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Homeland Security, WV State Police
- SB 707: Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Commerce, Division of Natural Resources
- SB 710: Supplementing and amending appropriations to State Board of Education, Aid for Exceptional Children
- SB 700: Supplementing and amending appropriations to Miscellaneous Boards and Commissions, Hospital Finance Authority
- SB 708: Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Agriculture, WV Spay Neuter Assistance Fund
- SB 709: Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Arts, Culture and History, National Coal Heritage Area Authority
- SB 701: Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Education, School Construction Fund
** Committee times and agendas are subject to change **
Senate Bills to be Introduced Wednesday, February 14, 2024
- SB 775: Modifying the form of certain deeds (Weld; Judiciary)
- SB 776: Medicaid state plan amendment to provide for cost sharing for certain populations (Tarr; Health and Human Resources)
- SB 777: Prohibiting illegal entry or presence of persons who are aliens and authorizing removal of violators (Tarr; Judiciary)
- SB 778: Amending and adding certain qualifying offenses to enhance sentences of repeat offenders (Weld; Judiciary)
- SB 779: Imposing deadlines for autopsies and autopsy reports (Health and Human Resources)
- SB 780: Adding liability to person in position of trust in child abuse cases (Judiciary)
- SB 781: Increasing size of matching grants for local economic development (Swope, Jeffries; Economic Development)
- SB 782: Defining deadlines for local permits and extensions relating to property development or improvement (Swope, Jeffries; Economic Development)
- SB 783: West Virginia School Construction Alternatives Pilot Program Act (Jeffries, Swope; Education)
- SB 784: Authorizing WV Department of Homeland Security to assist with border security in Texas (FN) (Stuart, Hunt; Finance)
- SB 785: Allowing Foster care Ombudsman access to child protective records (Rucker, Chapman, Deeds, Grady, Takubo; Health and Human Resources)
- SB 786: Relating to massage therapy establishments (Rucker; Judiciary)
- SB 787: Establishing limit on fees charged for medical records (Hunt, Chapman, Stuart, Woelfel; Health and Human Resources)
- SB 788: Prioritizing medical services for Medicaid beneficiaries in WV be delivered within state (Tarr; Health and Human Resources)
- SB 789: Establishing Medicaid cost containment measures (Tarr; Finance)
- SB 790: Changing reference to Curator of Department of Arts, Culture, and History to Cabinet Secretary (Blair, Woelfel; Government Organization) [By Request of the Executive]
- SB 791: Modifying membership requirements of Medical Services Fund Advisory Council (Tarr; Finance)
- SB 792: Providing Medicaid coverage for postpartum healthcare (FN) (Chapman; Health and Human Resources then Finance)
- SB 793: Requiring managed care contract terms for Bureau for Medical Services (Maroney; Health and Human Resources then Finance)
- SCR 28: Directing Secretary of State to remove President Joseph R. Biden Jr. from primary and general election ballot (Stuart; Judiciary)
- SR 38: Recognizing value of, and supporting Small Town and Main Street development (Jeffries)
- SR 39: Designating February 15, 2024, as WV State University Day (Jeffries, Hunt)
- SR 40: Designating February 15, 2024, as Angelman Syndrome Awareness Day (Nelson)
* (FN) indicates the bill has a Fiscal Note
* (IB) indicates the bill is an Interim Bill
Committee Action on Bills from Tuesday, February 13, 2024
10 a.m.: Government Organization
- SB 610: Clarifying authority of Water Development Authority in certain circumstances
- Bill reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
- Com. Sub. for SB 631: Prohibiting municipalities from disconnecting water service for nonpayment of stormwater fees
- Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
- SB 687: Clarifying Legislative Auditor’s scope of authority
- Bill reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
- SB 635: Modifying rules regarding liquidation of property
- Bill reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
- Com. Sub. for SB 722: Revising examination of records relating to limited video lottery
- Bill not taken up
10 a.m.: Education
- Com. Sub for SB 292: Hunger-Free Campus Act
- Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass; second reference to Finance
- SB 515: Prohibiting public schools from requiring students to participate in sexual orientation instruction
- Bill reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass
- HB 4832: Relating to state superintendent’s reports regarding the finances of school districts
- Bill, as amended, reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
1 p.m.: Energy, Industry and Mining
- Eng. HB 4292: Providing for enhanced damages for non-payment of royalties due from oil, natural gas, or natural gas liquids production
- Bill, as amended, reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass; second reference to Finance
- Eng. HB 5006: Relating to the administration of the A. James Manchin Rehabilitation Environmental Action Plan
- Bill reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
1 p.m.: Health and Human Resources
- SB 602: Cardiac Emergency Response Plan Act
- Bill reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass; second reference to Education
- Com. Sub. forSB 668: Increasing amount of certain controlled substances persons may purchase annually
- Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
- Com. Sub. forSB 714: Transferring duties and licensing from Board of Osteopathic Medicine to Board of Medicine
- Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
- HB 4756: Creating a state Alzheimer’s plan task force
- Bill, as amended, reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
2 p.m.: Workforce
- Com. Sub. for SB 562: Expanding employment and training requirements necessary for SNAP benefits
- Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass; second reference to Finance
3 p.m.: Judiciary
- Com. Sub. for SB 493: Relating to use of criminal records as disqualification from authorization to practice particular profession
- Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
- SB 615: Limiting statutory and common law actions for certain electric generating facilities
- Bill, as amended, reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
- SB 732: Requiring cooperation between law-enforcement agencies and military authorities
- Bill reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
3 p.m.: Finance
- SB 395: Relating to valuation of industrial property and natural resources by Tax Commissioner
- Bill reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
- Com. Sub. for SB 444: Relating to health insurance coverage for certain emergency services
- Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
- Com. Sub. for SB 669: Relating to county economic opportunity development districts
- Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
- Com. Sub. for SB 512: Clarifying non-agricultural status of solar farms
- Bill not taken up
Bills that Have Passed the Senate as of Tuesday, February 13, 2024 (113 – 105 Senate; 8 House)
Resolutions that Have Been Adopted by the Senate as of Tuesday, February 13, 2024 (16)
Bills that Have Completed Legislation as of Tuesday, February 13, 2024 (18 – 10 Senate; 8 House)
- SB 31: Department of Human Services rule relating to collection and exchange of data related to overdoses (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- SB 171: Prohibiting county commissions from adopting authorization that exceeds state law regarding agriculture operations (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- SB 269: Excluding test strips from definition of drug paraphernalia (Signed, 02-02)
- SB 300: Relating to organization of Office of Inspector General (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- SB 318: Modifying process of when parental rights are terminated (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- SB 428: Establishing appeals from administrative rulings are to be filed with Intermediate Court of Appeals (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- SB 462: Updating definitions of certain terms used in Personal Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-07)
- SB 483: Amending Corporation Net Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-07)
- SB 543: Relating to research and economic development agreements for state institutions of higher education (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- SB 547: Authorizing legislative rules for Higher Education Policy Commission (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- HB 4026: Authorizing the Department of Administration to promulgate a legislative rule relating to state owned vehicles (Signed, 02-13)
- HB 4252: Uniform Recognition and Enforcement of Canadian Domestic Violence Protective Orders Act (Signed, 02-07)
- HB 4274: Renaming the Department of Health and Human Resources (Signed, 01-26)
- HB 4594: Relating to extending managed care (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- HB 4801: Relating generally to the banking authority of the State Treasurer’s Office (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
- HB 5045: Related to the administration of the West Virginia Water Pollution Control Act, and Underground Carbon Dioxide Sequestration and Storage (Completed legislation, awaiting action by the Governor)
- HB 5153: Relating to revising, updating and streamlining the requirements governing the West Virginia Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Scholarship (Completed legislation, awaiting action by the Governor)
- HB 5332: Excepting persons previously commissioned as a notary public from requirement to have a high school diploma or its equivalent in order to be recommissioned as a notary public (Signed, 02-07)
Resolutions that Have Completed Legislation as of Tuesday, February 13, 2024 (5 – 3 Senate; 2 House)
- HCR 1: Raising a Joint Assembly to hear remarks of the Governor (Adopted, 01-10)
- HCR 13: Commemorating the life of Marilyn Kay Parsons (Adopted, 01-11)
- SCR 16: Urging US Congress enact reforms to federal permitting policies to accelerate deployment of new energy infrastructure (Adopted, 01-24)
- SCR 17: Reaffirming support of WV Legislature for State of Israel and Jewish people (Adopted, 01-24)
- SCR 24: Recognizing First Responders Honor Board’s nominees for Medal of Valor (Adopted, 02-06)
Bills Signed by the Governor as of Tuesday, February 13, 2024 (7 – 3 Senate; 4 House)
- SB 269: Excluding test strips from definition of drug paraphernalia (Signed, 02-02)
- SB 462: Updating definitions of certain terms used in Personal Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-07)
- SB 483: Amending Corporation Net Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-07)
- HB 4026: Authorizing the Department of Administration to promulgate a legislative rule relating to state owned vehicles (Signed, 02-13)
- HB 4252: Uniform Recognition and Enforcement of Canadian Domestic Violence Protective Orders Act (Signed, 02-07)
- HB 4274: Renaming the Department of Health and Human Resources (Signed, 01-26)
- HB 5332: Excepting persons previously commissioned as a notary public from requirement to have a high school diploma or its equivalent in order to be recommissioned as a notary public (Signed, 02-07)
Committee times and agendas are subject to change. Follow @WVSenClerk on Twitter for updates.
All Senate Committee meetings and floor sessions are available for both live streaming and to watch again in our archives. The link to the Senate’s archived video page can be found here:
Contact: Jacque Bland at (304) 357-7999