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Senate Calendar and Committee Schedule for Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Wednesday, February 9, 2022 – 29th Day of Session

The Senate will convene at 11 a.m.


  • SCR 43: US Navy S1 Paul McCue Bridge
  • SR 22: Commemorating 250th anniversary of Berkeley County
  • SR 23: Recognizing Youth Leadership Association Youth in Government
  • SR 24: Recognizing Greenbrier East High School InvenTeam


  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 242: Restricting authority to prevent or limit owner’s use of natural resources or real property in certain agricultural operations
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 245: Revising wage payment and collection
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 445: Modifying police and firemen’s pension plans for trustees (original similar to HB 4432)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 472: Relating to access to juvenile records by certain employees of Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation (original similar to HB 4541)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 487: Relating to Revenue Shortfall Reserve Fund and Revenue Shortfall Reserve Fund – Part B


  • Com. Sub. for SB 6: Establishing common law “veil piercing” claims not be used to impose personal liability
  • Com. Sub. for SB 312: Authorization for Department of Revenue to promulgate legislative rules (original similar to HB 4151)
  • Com. Sub. for SB 419: Establishing pilot project to evaluate impact of certain post-substance use disorder residential treatments
  • Com. Sub. for SB 533: Relating to funding for health sciences and medical schools in state
  • SB 540: Allowing municipal fire departments provide retirees with service weapon in certain circumstances
  • SB 546: Expanding uses of fees paid by students at higher education institutions
  • Com. Sub. for SB 550: Relating to funding for higher education institutions
  • SB 576: Relating to unemployment insurance and COVID-19 vaccination requirement
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 3220: Restrictions on Taxpayer funded lobbying – (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 4074: Require schools provide eating disorder and self-harm training for teacher and students – (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 4276: WVU to create a Parkinson’s disease registry – (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)


  • Com. Sub. for SB 25: Updating provisions of Medical Professional Liability Act
  • Com. Sub. for SB 438: Relating generally to WV Security for Public Deposits Act
  • Com. Sub. for SB 505: Updating laws on licensure and regulation of money transmitters
  • Com. Sub. for SB 515: Supplementing and amending appropriations of public moneys to Department of Administration, Public Defender Services (original similar to HB 4530)
  • SB 517: Expiring funds from unappropriated balance in State Excess Lottery Revenue Fund (original similar to HB 4525)
  • Com. Sub. for SB 520: Increasing financial penalties for ransomware attacks (original similar to HB 4498)
  • SB 525: Expiring funds from unappropriated balance in Lottery Net Profits (original similar to HB 4526)

Scheduled Committee Meetings

1 p.m.: Economic Development (451M)

  • SB 538: Establishing BUILD WV Act

2 p.m.: Pensions (451M)

  • SB 486: Allowing PERS retirees to designate special needs trust as beneficiary
  • SB 532: Requiring reports to Joint Committee on Pensions and Retirement every five years on deferred retirement option plans

3 p.m.: Finance (451M)

  • SB 531: Increasing annual salaries of certain state employees

3 p.m.: Judiciary (208W)

  • SB 146: Relating to interpretations of school laws
  • SB 536: Clarifying statutes on possessing, manufacturing, importing, and transporting fentanyl in WV
  • SB 561: Increasing number of magistrate judges in Berkeley County
  • HB 4308: Authorizing disclosure of juvenile information to Crime Victims Compensation Fund for investigation and award of benefits
  • HB 4097: To prohibit nonpublic funding sources for election administration and related expenses without prior written approval by the State Election Commission
  • HB 4312: Extending the option of electronic absentee ballot transmission to first responders in certain emergency circumstances
  • Com. Sub. for SB 330: DOT Rules Bundle
  • Includes: SB 330, DMV rule relating to examination and issuance of driver’s license; SB 331, DMV rule relating to dealer licensing; SB 332, DMV rule relating to collection of tax on sale of a vehicle; SB 333, DOT rule relating to employment procedures
  • SB 371: Board of Medicine rule relating to telehealth and interstate telehealth registration for physicians, podiatric physicians, and physician assistants
  • SB 375: Board of Osteopathic Medicine rule relating to telehealth practice and interstate telehealth registration for osteopathic physicians and physician assistants
  • SB 384: Board of Registered Professional Nurses rule relating to telehealth practice

** Committee times and agendas are subject to change **

Senate Bills to be Introduced Wednesday, February 9, 2022

  • SB 598: Authorizing aid for at risk veterans to combat suicide [By Request of the Executive] (Blair, Baldwin)
  • SB 599: Relating to patient’s rights and vaccinations (Maynard)
  • SB 600: Limiting liability for landowners when land is used for noncommercial recreational purposes (Maynard)
  • SB 601: Enacting WV Human Life Protection Act (Maynard)
  • SB 602: Protecting certain motorsports venues from nuisance claims (Maynard)
  • SB 603: Prohibiting licensure and re-licensure in WV if applicant is prohibited from practicing in another jurisdiction (Takubo)
  • SB 604: Providing compensation to victims of abusive lawsuits (Phillips, Azinger, Boley, Clements, Grady, Karnes, Maynard, Roberts, Stover, Sypolt, Tarr, Woodrum)
  • SB 605: Permitting pharmacists to dispense ivermectin by means of standing order (Phillips, Azinger, Grady, Karnes, Martin, Maynard, Roberts, Stover, Sypolt, Woodrum)
  • SB 606: Relating to WV Medical Practice Act (Weld, Woelfel, Takubo, Stollings)
  • SB 607: Requiring PEIA reimbursement rates be no less than Medicare (Sypolt)

(Note: Bill references are subject to change.)

* (FN) indicates the bill has a Fiscal Note

* (IB) indicates the bill is an Interim Bill

Committee Action on Bills from Tuesday, February 8, 2022

10 a.m.: Transportation and Infrastructure

  • Com. Sub. for SB 560: Defining Class 2 e-bikes
  • Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
  • Com. Sub. for SCR 28: US Army PVT Garland Lee Loudermilk Bridge
  • Committee substitute for the resolution reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it be adopted
  • Com. Sub. for SCR 29: Nitro WW I Memorial Bridge
  • Committee substitute for the resolution reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it be adopted

2 p.m.: Education

  • SB 509: Relating to county BOE employee personal leave 
  • Bill, as amended, reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
  • SB 593: Allowing Marshall University’s Forensic Analysis Laboratory access and participation in WV DNA database for certain purposes
  • Bill reported to the full senate with no recommendation; bill to be referred to Judiciary

2 p.m.: Government Organization

  • HB 4024: Creating a cosmetology apprentice program that allows companies to train employees for practical real-world experience
  • Bill reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
  • Com. Sub. for SB 537: Providing additional firefighters and security guards for National Guard
  • Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass

3 p.m.: Finance

  • SB 526: Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Commerce, Office of Secretary
  • Bill reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
  • SB 527: Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Administration, Office of Technology
  • Bill reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
  • Com. Sub. for SB 528: Supplementing and amending appropriations to DHHR, Consolidated Medical Services Fund
  • Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
  • Com. Sub. for SB 476: Relating to imposition of minimum severance tax on coal
  • Committee substitute reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
  • SB 478: Relating to Neighborhood Investment Program
  • Bill reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass

3 p.m.: Judiciary

  • HB 4299: To prohibit the intentional interference with election processes and creating associated criminal penalties
  • Bill laid over to a future meeting
  • Com. Sub. for SB 33: Protecting consumers against businesses using automatic renewals without consent
  • Committee substitute, as amended, reported to the full Senate with the recommendation it do pass
  • HB 4097: To prohibit nonpublic funding sources for election administration and related expenses without prior written approval by the State Election Commission
  • Bill discussed; no further action taken

Bills that Have Passed the Senate as of Tuesday, February 8, 2022 (60 – 56 Senate; 4 House)

  • SB 1: Creating Mining Mutual Insurance Company (House Energy and Manufacturing)
  • SB 2: Relating to unemployment benefits program (Pending House introduction)
  • SB 3: Requiring work search activities to qualify for unemployment benefits (Pending House introduction)
  • SB 4: Repealing ban on construction of nuclear power plants (Completed; awaiting action by Governor)
  • SB 5: Creating WV Unmanned Aircraft Systems Advisory Council (House Government Organization)
  • SB 7: Relating to damages for medical monitoring (House Judiciary)
  • SB 8: Relating generally to state’s savings and investment programs (Signed, 02-02)
  • SB 9: Providing continued eligibility for developmental disability services to dependents of military members (House Health and Human Resources)
  • SB 10: Relating to WVU Rifle Team electronic application donation program (House Agriculture and Natural Resources)
  • SB 22: Relating to exempting certain organizations from property taxation (House Education)
  • SB 40: Prohibiting insurance coverage from requiring prior authorization for tests to stage cancer (House Health and Human Resources)
  • SB 44: Requiring State Fire Commission propose rules for sprinkler protection for certain new buildings (House Fire Departments and Emergency Medical Services)
  • SB 60: Allowing BOE create and provide course in family and consumer sciences in secondary schools (House Education)
  • SB 77: Allowing certain veterans park free at metered parking in any state municipality (House Government Organization)
  • SB 91: Creating “Choose Life” special registration plate supporting adoption (House Technology and Infrastructure)
  • SB 98: Creating nonresident three-day fishing license (House Agriculture and Natural Resources)
  • SB 99: Continuing authority to index license and stamp fees (House Agriculture and Natural Resources)
  • SB 121: Prohibiting person criminally responsible for another’s death to participate in burial arrangements (House Judiciary)
  • SB 129: Making it unlawful for public utility to prohibit customers from hiring contractors to construct, install, or maintain connections to public utility (House Technology and Infrastructure)
  • SB 135: Relating to acquisition and disposition of property by urban development authority (House Judiciary)
  • SB 136: Updating language regarding Fairmont State alumni license plates (House Technology and Infrastructure)
  • SB 138: Relating to Board of Medicine composition (House Government Organization)
  • SB 141: Modifying requirement that racetrack participate in WV Thoroughbred Development Fund by certain date (House Finance)
  • SB 151: Creating license plate recognizing linemen (House Transportation and Infrastructure)
  • SB 170: Providing WV veterans discounts on fees and charges at state parks (House Agriculture and Natural Resources)
  • SB 172: Increasing compensation of elected county officials (House Government Organization)
  • SB 191: Allowing poll workers to work full and half days (Signed, 02-02)
  • SB 192: Establishing Civil Air Patrol license plate (House Technology and Infrastructure)
  • SB 228: Providing tuition and fee waivers at state higher education institutions for volunteers who have completed service in AmeriCorps programs in WV (House Education)
  • SB 229: Requiring impact statement in certain instances of school closing or consolidation (House Education)
  • SB 231: Relating generally to broadband connectivity (Pending House introduction)
  • SB 244: Relating to appointment of judges to Intermediate Court of Appeals (Completed; awaiting action by Governor)
  • SB 246: Requiring newly constructed public schools and public schools with major improvements to have water bottle filling stations (House Education)
  • SB 253: Relating to voting precincts and redistricting (House Government Organization)
  • SB 261: Requiring video cameras in certain special education classrooms (House Education)
  • SB 262: Relating generally to financial institutions engaged in boycotts of energy companies (House Banking and Insurance)
  • SB 264: Relating to conservation districts law of WV (Pending House introduction)
  • SB 279: Authorizing DEP to promulgate legislative rules (H First Reading, 02-09)
  • SB 334: Authorizing miscellaneous agencies and boards to promulgate rules (House Government Organization)
  • SB 417: Relating to authorized expenditures of revenues from certain state funds for fire departments (House Finance)
  • SB 427: Permitting WV Board of Medicine investigators to carry concealed weapon (House Judiciary)
  • SB 431: Relating generally to Uniform Controlled Substances Act (House Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse)
  • SB 435: Awarding service weapon to retiree from Division of Protective Services (Completed; awaiting action by Governor)
  • SB 436: Correcting code citation for authority of State Fire Marshal (H Third Reading, 02-09)
  • SB 437: Providing for early discharge of parolees (Completed; awaiting action by Governor)
  • SB 439: Adopting Revised Uniform Athlete Agents Act of 2015 (House Judiciary)
  • SB 440: Establishing Uniform Commercial Real Estate Receivership Act (House Judiciary)
  • SB 441: Providing confidentiality of video and other records of correctional juvenile facilities (House Judiciary)
  • SB 449: Relating to Nonviolent Offense Parole Program (Completed; awaiting action by Governor)
  • SB 450: Updating definitions of WV Personal Income Tax Act (H First Reading, 02-09)
  • SB 451: Updating definitions of WV Corporation Net Income Tax Act (H First Reading, 02-09)
  • SB 452: Permitting civil remedies for unauthorized disclosure of intimate images (House Judiciary)
  • SB 481: Relating to Adopt-A-Stream Program (House Agriculture and Natural Resources)
  • SB 492: Relating to electronic collection of tolls (House Government Organization)
  • SB 493: Requiring county BOE make meetings available to public in-person and through internet (Pending House introduction)
  • SB 499: Authorizing legislative rules for School Building Authority (Pending House introduction)
  • HB 2325: Removing the requirement of continuing education for barbers and cosmetologists (Completed; awaiting action by Governor)
  • HB 4062: Removing the residency requirement for the Commissioner of the Division of Highways (Passed Senate; pending House concurrence)
  • HB 4067: To make certain agency reports electronic or eliminating certain agency reports altogether (Passed Senate; pending House concurrence)
  • HB 4301: Reforming membership requirements of Huntington Park and Recreation District Board (Passed Senate; pending House concurrence)

Resolutions Adopted by the Senate as of Tuesday, February 8, 2022 (11)

  • SCR 1: US Army PFC Billy Keith Ford Memorial Bridge (House Rules)
  • SCR 3: USMC CAPT Dempsey Stowers Memorial Bridge (House Rules)
  • SCR 5: US Marine Corps CPL James “Bud” Cox Memorial Bridge (House Rules)
  • SCR 6: Holden 22 Coal Miners Memorial Bridge (House Rules)
  • SCR 9: Haynie Family Veterans Memorial Bridge (House Rules)
  • SCR 11: Dennis E. Davis Veterans Nursing Home (House Rules)
  • SCR 13: US Army PFC Joseph Stanley McKinney Memorial Bridge (House Rules)
  • SCR 15: US Army PVT Shirley E. Bailey Memorial Bridge (House Rules)
  • SCR 17: US Air Force SSGT Logan A. Young Memorial Bridge (House Technology and Infrastructure)
  • SCR 21: Putnam County Veterans Memorial Bridge (House Technology and Infrastructure)
  • SCR 23: USMC CPL Guy Maywood Edwards Memorial Bridge (House Technology and Infrastructure)

House Bills Pending in the Senate as of Tuesday, February 8, 2022 (43)

  • HB 2177: Permitting the issuance of a state issued identification card without a photo on the card under certain conditions (Judiciary)
  • HB 2184: Increasing the penalties for exposure of governmental representatives to fentanyl or any other harmful drug (Judiciary)
  • HB 2325: Removing the requirement of continuing education for barbers and cosmetologists (Completed; awaiting action by Governor)
  • HB 2562: Relating to litter control (Judiciary)
  • HB 2631: Provide for WVDNR officers to be able to work “off duty” (Judiciary)
  • HB 2817: Donated Drug Repository Program (Health and Human Resources)
  • HB 2972: Allowing a person to manufacture a stated amount of alcoholic liquor for personal consumption (Judiciary)
  • HB 3220: Restrictions on Taxpayer funded lobbying (S Second Reading, 02-09)
  • HB 3231: Public Utilities not required to pay interest on security deposits (Finance)
  • HB 3303: Relating to clarifying the process of filling vacancies on ballots (Judiciary)
  • HB 3312: Establishing a memorial to child labor and child workers who died in the course of employment in this state (Government Organization)
  • HB 4003: Relating generally to commercial benefit of substances removed from waters of the state by the treatment of mine drainage (Energy, Industry and Mining)
  • HB 4024: Creating a cosmetology apprentice program that allows companies to train employees for practical real-world experience (Government Organization)
  • HB 4048: WV Keep, Bear and Drive with Arms Act (Judiciary)
  • HB 4059: Clarifying that new Department of Health and Human Resources’ Deputy Commissioners are exempt from civil service (Health and Human Resources)
  • HB 4060: Repealing outdated sections of code relating to health (Health and Human Resources)
  • HB 4062: Removing the residency requirement for the Commissioner of the Division of Highways (Passed Senate; pending House concurrence)
  • HB 4065: Allowing the Division of Natural Resources to teach hunter’s safety courses in school (Education)
  • HB 4067: To make certain agency reports electronic or eliminating certain agency reports altogether (Passed Senate; pending House concurrence)
  • HB 4074: Require schools provide eating disorder and self-harm training for teacher and students (S Second Reading, 02-09)
  • HB 4084: Relating to advanced recycling (Pending Senate introduction)
  • HB 4097: To prohibit nonpublic funding sources for election administration and related expenses without prior written approval by the State Election Commission (Judiciary)
  • HB 4110: Relating to staffing levels at multi-county vocational centers (Education)
  • HB 4111: Relating to the prescriptive authority of advance practice registered nurses (Health and Human Resources)
  • HB 4112: Provide consumers a choice for pharmacy services (Health and Human Resources)
  • HB 4113: Public Health definitions and powers of secretary and commissioner (Health and Human Resources)
  • HB 4252: To reduce copay cap on insulin and devices (Health and Human Resources)
  • HB 4257: Require visitation immediately following a procedure in a health care facility (Health and Human Resources)
  • HB 4263: Prohibit the practice of white bagging (Health and Human Resources)
  • HB 4276: Permit WVU to create a Parkinson’s disease registry (S Second Reading, 02-09)
  • HB 4286: Relating to exempting persons employed as attorneys from the civil service system (Government Organization)
  • HB 4288: Relating to expanding the practice of auricular acudetox to professions approved by the acupuncturist board (Health and Human Resources)
  • HB 4291: Relating to authorizing legislative rules regarding higher education (Education)
  • HB 4296: To revise outdated provisions within Chapter 23 of the West Virginia Code, which pertains to workers’ compensation (Judiciary)
  • HB 4299: To prohibit the intentional interference with election processes and creating associated criminal penalties (Judiciary)
  • HB 4301: Reforming membership requirements of Huntington Park and Recreation District Board (Passed Senate; pending House concurrence)
  • HB 4308: Authorizing disclosure of juvenile information to Crime Victims Compensation Fund for investigation and award of benefits (Judiciary)
  • HB 4311: Creating criminal penalties for illegal voting activity (Judiciary)
  • HB 4312: Extending the option of electronic absentee ballot transmission to first responders in certain emergency circumstances (Judiciary)
  • HB 4324: To update collaborative pharmacy practice agreements (Health and Human Resources)
  • HB 4333: Relating to the sunset of the Board of Hearing-Aid Dealers and Fitters (Government Organization)
  • HB 4360: Relating to WV Invest community service requirements (Education)
  • HB 4369: Update the telepsychology compact (Pending Senate introduction)

Bills and Resolutions that Have Completed Legislation as of Tuesday, February 8, 2022 (8 – 7 Senate; 1 House)

  • SB 4: Repealing ban on construction of nuclear power plants (Signed, 02-08)
  • SB 8: Relating generally to state’s savings and investment programs (Signed, 02-02)
  • SB 191: Allowing poll workers to work full and half days (Signed, 02-02)
  • SB 244: Relating to appointment of judges to Intermediate Court of Appeals (Completed; awaiting action by Governor)
  • SB 435: Awarding service weapon to retiree from Division of Protective Services (Completed; awaiting action by Governor)
  • SB 437: Providing for early discharge of parolees (Completed; awaiting action by Governor)
  • SB 449: Relating to Nonviolent Offense Parole Program (Completed; awaiting action by Governor)
  • HB 2325: Removing the requirement of continuing education for barbers and cosmetologists (Completed; awaiting action by Governor)

Bills Signed by the Governor as of Tuesday, February 8, 2022 (3 – 2 Senate)

  • SB 4: Repealing ban on construction of nuclear power plants (Signed, 02-08)
  • SB 8: Relating generally to state’s savings and investment programs (Signed, 02-02)
  • SB 191: Allowing poll workers to work full and half days (Signed, 02-02)

Committee times and agendas are subject to change. Follow @WVSenClerk on Twitter for updates.

All Senate Committee meetings and floor sessions are available for both live streaming and to watch again in our archives. The link to the Senate’s archived video page can be found here:

Contact: Jacque Bland at (304) 357-7999